Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Clouded morality from markets

In the Zelizer piece, the most recognizable thing is that morality (intimacy) is misconstrued by the market itself and therefore clouding morality of the individual or group. This paragraph is a perfect example: "The Schiavo case eventually became a national legal and political struggle over the “right to life.” Long before that, however, the parties were fighting over who had the right to provide care, the right to decide the type of care, and the right to receive compensation for that care." The paragraph shows that now morality (intimacy) is all based on a market style system which who or what has a right to this or that and why and if compensation is needed (most notably money being the compensation) which can be viewed as there is now a market in the private sphere as well or in more general terms, a market in morality itself.

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