Sunday, February 22, 2015


In The making of Vietnamese Currency, they kind of had me thinking about how currency is a base of political power.  I did not realize it before but now that i think about it all currencies basically are the same in that aspect.  In the american dollar we have photos of all the presidents that we had, and all the power that came with it.  Different parts of the world like the Bahamian coins, do no show their leaders on all of there monetary currencies.  They have pinapples and fish on their coins to show what the nation specializes in.  Yes, their paper money has rulers or presidents on it.  But it just comes to show us that the U.S. is basically set in its political ways.  This book is probably the most interesting to me because i collect coins and other sorts of monetary currencies.

1 comment:

  1. Great observations on the symbols of currencies and political power! I have some images to share Tuesday on past US currencies (spoiler alert: some of them contain leafs and no presidents' heads!). 'Hope we get a few physical notes from other countries as well to dwell a bit longer on the meaning and power of the images we print on money.


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