Sunday, March 29, 2015

Diverse economies: performative practices for ‘other worlds’

From the article, it mentioned the diverse economies framing groups into three columns- transaction, labor, and enterprise. The non-market sample is like gift giving, rather than sale the goods. The alternative paid which focus on work for the welfare, not the volunteer work. The capitalist is different from the feudal style. It’s remind me that in the past, people use barter system, there is no money, they just want to get what they want, but that is the original form of economic system exist. The labor are very cheap in China, it still for now.

For the new academic practices and performances, it said, the new academic subject might be on the horizon, I kind of couldn’t understand, why it differently related to the politics of other worlds. I think economic, politics, culture, are all connected, and related to each other.
This paper is using an academic way to  make other people to join the project and enter the  hybrid collectivities.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the genuine question about the new academic subject, Peisha. What Gibson and Graham mean is that they are advocating for a different kind of academic or public intellectual - rather than the typical scholar who analyses systems from a distance and draws generalizations, Gibson-Graham advocate scholarship that is more politically engaged, that also performs some of the critiques. So for instance, these two authors write together as one person -- this is a particular ethical practice that seeks to decenter subjectivity, to multiply authorship. Further, they are themselves involved in movements, community work that performs some of the ideas that they discuss. finally, the table in the article reorganizes the way we think about certain transactions, labor, or other practices. By listing these in the way that they do, they make visible all the other kinds of economies that are not usually counted in more streamline analysis of capitalist (or even socialist) systems. Making visible is part of their political strategy of emphasizing diverse economies rather than one single economic system.


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