Sunday, April 12, 2015


The film about Spain and the reposition of houses and eviction of families was interesting, because it went against the idea of neoliberalism that we have discussed in class. If the women in the video were to be successful on a large scale, it would involve bucking the entire capitalist system that is run on neoliberal principles of competition. Personally, I think that the system focuses too much on competition and profit and not enough of people. Unlike alternative economies, where, even in cases of debt, there is a human element, a system of trust, a social contract, the capitalist system has forced the devolvement of many countries into profit driven societies. Still, it is strange and interesting to think about breaking out of the cycle of neoliberalism, by, as a society, refusing to honor the eviction notices of the big banks. Spain is in the Euro Zone, which is having a lot of trouble now as it is, but I wonder what would happen if people started to break the rules of the capitalist system on a large scale.

Source: Mortgaged Lives. Directed by Michelle Teren

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